HP (Hillside Projects) is an artistic entity formed by Emily Berry Mennerdahl (1980) and Jonas Böttern (1977). HP is based in Stockholm. HP’s main interest is in performance and the role of the performer, with an emphasis on the discursive possibilities of telling tales and the resisting of single narratives.
Applying a conceptual approach and a performative methodology, HP creates works where birds quite often, but also plants and acts of listening, serve as the main protagonists. The works take their form as video and public performances alongside text, sound and installations.
The many tales HP tell unravel into larger narratives where socio-political layers and existential emotions are situated alongside notions of life cycles, transition, eating and being eaten, and dust. We are all stardust. At times, the tales HP tells appear tragic, yet HP believes that absurdities, humour and intimacy are all essential elements in telling the tragic.
Quite recently, HP has begun to shift its gaze upon itself, questioning its members’ roles in telling tales. Who are they to tell a story, and which stories are theirs to tell? How do they tell the stories in relation to each other and in relation to their audience?
HP also actively explores the concept of an audience. An audience in movement, an audience that is not alive, an intimate audience, a large audience, and one not physically present. HP asks what an audience is and what it can be.
HP intermittently collaborates with others as part of its artistic vision and occasionally engages in smaller curatorial spurs. It aims to create works that can unravel in environments such as, but not limited to, an ambulating stage, participatory walks, research contexts, screenings, community halls and exhibitions. expand into
HP’s videos are distributed by FilmForm - The Art Film and Video Archive and Vidéographe Montréal. HP has taken part in artist residencies such at IASPIS(SE), Clark House Initiative-Mumbai, Box Autumn Studios at Galleri Box-Gothenburg, Banff Centre Canada, TCG Nordica Kunming-China as well as shown their works in exhibitions and screenings at amongst others Röda Sten konsthall, Dazibao Montréal, Galleri54 Gothenburg, Oberhausen Film Festival Germany, Bonniers Konsthall etc. They have been awarded grants from the Swedish Arts Council, Konstakademin as well as private stipends.